A Unique Divorce Problem
Here’s a question that an attorney posted on an open forum for Michigan attorneys. (The...

Why should an unmarried couple have an estate plan?
This relates to a couple -either same-sex or opposite sex – who live together in a long-term...

Veterans Benefits
The U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs has established a web site to help veterans and their...

Michigan Hidden Talent Tour
The Livonia Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the Westland and the Greater Farmington...

The ABLE Act: Not ready for Prime Time
In December, 2014, President Obama signed into law the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE)...

Supreme Court Approves Prayer at Legislative Sessions
In a 5-4 ruling today, the U. S. Supreme Court issued an opinion in the case of Town of Greece,...

George Shea appointed Civil Mediator
We are please to announce that George Shea has been appointed as a Civil Mediator by the Oakland...

New Law affecting Condominium Associations
The Michigan Legislature has just passed 2013 PA 134, a new law regarding the operation of...

Michigan Supreme Court 2012-2013 Term to End
The 2012 – 2013 Michigan Supreme Court Term ends on July 31, 2013. Click to see all of the...

Life Support Decisions
Terri Shiavo is back in the news. Terri died in 2005, nearly two weeks after doctors removed the...

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