How asset ownership affects your estate
Let’s talk about your assets.
Part of the purpose of estate planning is to make sure...

Is cryptocurrency the new “offshore account” in divorce?
Years ago, well-to-do couples going through a divorce might have hidden their money from each...

Make communication easier during divorce
If you and your spouse are like most couples, you probably aren’t communicating at your...

Are you ready for a child custody hearing?
There’s a lot riding on your child custody hearing. You naturally hope that the judge will...

Mediation is the modern solution to private, affordable divorce
If there were only two words that the average person would likely choose to describe divorce,...

Can you spot a greedy heir?
Unfortunately, older people are often seen as “easy targets” for financial abuse...

How can you collect past due child support?
At times, getting a child support case settled is only half the battle. Sometimes the parent...

What do you do with your estate documents?
You’ve been smart and you’re prepared — you’ve been to an attorney and...

Know what to do if you suspect ‘undue influence’ on an estate
Here’s the sort of shocker that many people experience after a loved one dies: The will,...

Divorce on friendly terms: Keeping things civil
When you and your spouse began to discuss divorce, you were past the stage of being angry with...

Michigan dedicates August to child support awareness
August is now Child Support Month in Michigan, thanks to the declaration by Governor Gretchen...

How on earth can the average divorce cost $15,000?
These days, everyone knows that a wedding with all of the trimmings can be costly — but did...

A ‘To-Do’ list for your estate plans: 5 steps to take
Has it been a while since you’ve reviewed your estate plans? Did you get your plans drawn...

Imprisoned parents and child support obligations
Just about anybody can make a mistake that lands them in prison. In fact, some people end up...

Drunk driving disaster: What to do when you’re caught
The majority of people know that you can get in trouble for drinking and driving. What many...

Handwritten wills create problems for Aretha Franklin’s estate
When the legendary singer Aretha Franklin died, she left behind no will to control her estate...

Child’s death draws attention to divorced dads in Michigan
According to conventional wisdom, a Michigan father “did everything right” in his...

A ceremony does not a legal marriage make, says Michigan court
What does it take to make a marriage in Michigan?Apparently, you have to have more than the...

4 tips to help you avoid custody chaos during summer break
When you’re a divorced parent, three-fourths of the year you probably fall into a...